The results of the experiments carried out in March 2021 have been summarized in the table and graphs below.
From the values shown in the table and visually in the graphs, it is evident that the behavior of the reaction cell with the material immersed in a hydrogen atmosphere is different from that in air: for all the voltage values set on the power supply, the energy COP in the atmosphere of hydrogen was higher than the energy COP in air.
This means that in the presence of hydrogen it has always been possible to recover a higher percentage of thermal energy. At first glance, the result would lead to suppose to be in the presence of phenomena that generate an anomalous development of heat. However, since the energy COP is much lower than the unit value, other explanations are possible.
It is considered plausible that the different response to stimulation is due to the greater thermal conductivity of hydrogen compared to air. This property of hydrogen determines a higher capacity to dissipate the heat that develops on the material subjected to stimulation which is therefore kept at a lower temperature. Heat is transferred more efficiently to the heat exchanger which then collects more heat energy. Furthermore, the different temperature of the material influences its ability to receive energy with stimulation and this manifests itself in a different electrical power introduced with the same supply voltage.
From the values shown in the table and visually in the graphs, it is evident that the behavior of the reaction cell with the material immersed in a hydrogen atmosphere is different from that in air: for all the voltage values set on the power supply, the energy COP in the atmosphere of hydrogen was higher than the energy COP in air.
This means that in the presence of hydrogen it has always been possible to recover a higher percentage of thermal energy. At first glance, the result would lead to suppose to be in the presence of phenomena that generate an anomalous development of heat. However, since the energy COP is much lower than the unit value, other explanations are possible.
It is considered plausible that the different response to stimulation is due to the greater thermal conductivity of hydrogen compared to air. This property of hydrogen determines a higher capacity to dissipate the heat that develops on the material subjected to stimulation which is therefore kept at a lower temperature. Heat is transferred more efficiently to the heat exchanger which then collects more heat energy. Furthermore, the different temperature of the material influences its ability to receive energy with stimulation and this manifests itself in a different electrical power introduced with the same supply voltage.
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