Premise: "Cold nuclear fusion and LENR: one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ways not to do them"
Introduction: "Experiments on cold nuclear fusion and LENR"
At 00:00:52 (hh:mm:ss) the switch that allows electrical power to reach the setup was activated and the power supply started. At 04:12:29 the same switch was disabled and the power supply was interrupted. The supply voltage was kept constant at 15V until 02:02:30. At the time 02:02:31 cycles of 20 minutes duration began in which the voltage was set to 30V for the first 10 minutes and 15V for the remaining 10 minutes. For the whole period the current is free to vary (driving in voltage limitation). The graphs show that variations in voltage cause a variation in current and electrical power.
The next graph shows the trend of the temperature difference (DT) and the water temperature before entering the exchanger (Tin).
Before starting to supply electrical power, the DT is zero or equal to the sensitivity of the measuring instrument (±0.1°C). Compared to the previous tests, the graph is more complex. The trend is that expected as a function of the electrical power input: the DT increases following an increase in electrical power input and decreases when the electrical power is reduced.
The measurement of the flow rate of water was carried out at the beginning and at the end of the test. Assuming that the variation of the water flow is linearly dependent on the elapsed time, the trend shown in the graph below is obtained.
By adopting the flow value shown in the graph, the trend of the thermal power output (Wt) and and also the trend of the instantaneous COP as the ratio between the thermal power output and the electrical power input (COP=Wt/We) are calculated. Since it is not possible to calculate the COP value when the electrical power input is zero, in the absence of electrical power it has been chosen to reset the COP value. Note that every time the voltage goes from 30V to 15V the COP value peaks, exceeding the unit value. Similarly, every time the voltage drop from 15V to 30V the COP collapses. This trend is caused by the thermal inertia of the heat exchanger which delays the thermal response with respect to the variation in electrical power.
Integrating the thermal power output and the electrical power input over time, exchanged energies are determined and the following graph has been obtained from their ratio.
Introduction: "Experiments on cold nuclear fusion and LENR"
The reported experiment is the fifth in a series of tests aimed at characterizing the reaction chamber response to varying conditions. In the previous experiments (Experiment of March 12, 2021, Experiment of March 14, 2021, Experiment of March 17, 2021, Experiment of March 18, 2021) the supply voltage was kept constant throughout the test. In this new experiment the voltage was kept constant at 15V only in the first part of the test. In the second part the voltage has oscillated several times between 15V and 30V. The objective of the test is to characterize the thermal response of the reaction cell in non-equilibrium conditions.STIMULATION TYPE
The first three graphs (click on the image to enlarge it) show the voltage, current and electrical power values measured by the DC power supply.At 00:00:52 (hh:mm:ss) the switch that allows electrical power to reach the setup was activated and the power supply started. At 04:12:29 the same switch was disabled and the power supply was interrupted. The supply voltage was kept constant at 15V until 02:02:30. At the time 02:02:31 cycles of 20 minutes duration began in which the voltage was set to 30V for the first 10 minutes and 15V for the remaining 10 minutes. For the whole period the current is free to vary (driving in voltage limitation). The graphs show that variations in voltage cause a variation in current and electrical power.
The next graph shows the trend of the temperature difference (DT) and the water temperature before entering the exchanger (Tin).
Before starting to supply electrical power, the DT is zero or equal to the sensitivity of the measuring instrument (±0.1°C). Compared to the previous tests, the graph is more complex. The trend is that expected as a function of the electrical power input: the DT increases following an increase in electrical power input and decreases when the electrical power is reduced.
The measurement of the flow rate of water was carried out at the beginning and at the end of the test. Assuming that the variation of the water flow is linearly dependent on the elapsed time, the trend shown in the graph below is obtained.
By adopting the flow value shown in the graph, the trend of the thermal power output (Wt) and and also the trend of the instantaneous COP as the ratio between the thermal power output and the electrical power input (COP=Wt/We) are calculated. Since it is not possible to calculate the COP value when the electrical power input is zero, in the absence of electrical power it has been chosen to reset the COP value. Note that every time the voltage goes from 30V to 15V the COP value peaks, exceeding the unit value. Similarly, every time the voltage drop from 15V to 30V the COP collapses. This trend is caused by the thermal inertia of the heat exchanger which delays the thermal response with respect to the variation in electrical power.
Integrating the thermal power output and the electrical power input over time, exchanged energies are determined and the following graph has been obtained from their ratio.
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