Experiment of March 28, 2021

Premise: "Cold nuclear fusion and LENR: one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ways not to do them"
Introduction: "Experiments on cold nuclear fusion and LENR"


The experimentation in air started in the previous experiment continues (Experiment of March 26, 2021) and the current test is to be compared with the corresponding one in the atomosphere of hydrogen (Experiment of March 14, 2021).








The first three graphs (click on the image to enlarge it) show the voltage, current and electrical power values measured by the DC power supply.

At 00:00:54 (hh: mm: ss) the switch that allows electrical power to reach the setup has been activated and the power supply has started. At 04:07:06 the same switch was deactivated and the power supply was interrupted. The power supply voltage was kept constant for the entire duration of the test while the current is free to vary (driving in voltage limitation). The graphs show that the current and consequently the electrical power increase, reach a maximum and then drop slightly in the first three minutes of delivery and then remain constant.
The following graph shows the trend of the temperature difference (DT) and of the water temperature before entering the exchanger (Tin).

Before starting to supply electrical power, DT is zero or equal to the sensitivity of the measuring instrument (±0.1°C). Compared to the activation of the switch that starts the delivery of electrical power, the DT begins to increase with a certain delay due to the thermal inertia of the heat exchanger. The DT value stabilizes within a few minutes and its variations subsequent to the initial growth are believed to be attributed to mixing of the water inside the heat exchanger. At the end of the electrical power supply, the same delay in the response of the DT is observed, always induced by the thermal inertia of the heat exchanger.
The measurement of the flow rate of water was carried out at the beginning and at the end of the test. Assuming that the variation of the water flow is linearly dependent on the elapsed time, the trend shown in the graph below is obtained.

By adopting the flow value shown in the graph, the trend of the thermal power output (Wt) and and also the trend of the instantaneous COP as the ratio between the thermal power output and the electrical power input (COP=Wt/We) are calculated. Since it is not possible to calculate the COP value when the electrical power input is zero, in the absence of electrical power it has been chosen to reset the COP value.

Integrating the thermal power output and the electrical power input over time, exchanged energies are determined and the following graph has been obtained from their ratio.


In this test a final energy COP of 0.617 is highlighted, which corresponds to an energy balance in loss of 38.3%. The value obtained is undoubtedly significantly higher than 0.590 which is the result obtained in the previous test in which the supply voltage was set at 15V (Experiment of March 26, 2021). Although the value obtained in this test is decidedly improved, it still remains lower than that detected in the similar test carried out in a hydrogen atmosphere (Experiment of March 14, 2021) in which the energy COP was 0.637.
The different results can be attributed to the different electrical power absorbed. With the same power supply voltage, the electrical power in the air test has in fact decreased: 85.6W in air against 93.5W in hydrogen which is a reduction of 8.4%. Note that at 15V the situation was the opposite, in the sense that the electrical power absorbed in the air test clearly exceeded the electrical power absorbed in the hydrogen atmosphere test.
The variation of the absorbed electrical power may therefore have determined a different efficiency in the transfer of energy to the material in the reaction cell.
The lowering of the electrical power is due to the different temperature of the material because the thermal conductivity of hydrogen is higher than that of air. Hydrogen allows heat to be transferred more quickly from the stimulated material to the water that circulates in the exchanger, keeping the stimulated material at a lower temperature. The different temperature of the material was visually confirmed as the material exhibited a more conspicuous glow in air than in hydrogen.

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